With this post, we would like to welcome Gary Dagiel from Blue Ridge & Smokey Mountain Motorcycle Adventure Maps as a guest blogger. Gary has been running this valuable service for bikers since 1987 and producing the “Maps” since about 1991. Gary has put together an extremely thoughtful tour guide to assist riders who may be visiting the Smokey Mountain region for the first time or love returning year after year. Hope you enjoy his article.
If you believe, as I do, that “time” is our most valuable possession; I believe you will also agree that “vacation time” is among the most “precious of times.” Putting my years of riding & exploring these mountains to good use, I started Smoky Mountain Motorcycle Adventures in 1987 to help Riders make the best use of their precious riding time in these Mountains.
Family obligations made it impossible for me to guide any tours in 1991. Fortunately Riders kept calling. After several unsuccessful attempts on the phone to get me to “at least” make him up a set of maps, one very persistent individual (believe a couple of his riding buddies had done the tour the previous Spring), sent me a significant check with the note; When you get around to putting the maps we talked about together, I hope this is enough to get me the first set. The check was so generous I could no longer justify my “limited resources needed elsewhere” excuse. Blue Ridge & Smoky Mountain Motorcycle Adventure Maps was born.
My years of leading tours taught me that Riders really don’t need mountains of information to have a great time exploring a new area. Put them on an experience rich path, full of good choices and get out of their way…Riders know what to do.
That said, there’s more to a great motorcycle ride than just picking the right roads. I think of it as a choreographed dance with direction of travel and time of arrival having great significance. Easy example: great long distance views aren’t quite the same (neither are the photos) when the sun is in your eyes…Another: arriving at a great place for lunch just as you are getting hungry.
I have done my best to make as many happy coincidences as possible present themselves as you enjoy your ride with Blue Ridge & Smoky Mountain Motorcycle Adventure Maps.
I miss seeing the smile filled helmets, but I’m happy to know I’m still helping to create them. Enjoy!
PS: Before heading for these mountains check Riding Conditions: Blue Ridge & Smoky Mountains